Police interviews can be harrowing and frightening, but you do have some rights during this process that should be exercised at every possibility. The first one you should employ is calling Vanessa Ash as your lawyer.
#1. You have a right to silence and are under no obligation to answer questions during a criminal interview. If you do answer any questions, choose your answers very carefully – they will come back to haunt you.
#2. Exercise your right to silence. Answer ‘no comment’ to each and every question – don’t answer some questions and refuse others. Be consistent in your ‘no comment’.
#3. If there is enough evidence against you, you will probably be charged regardless of your answers. It usually only offers ammunition to the situation and builds on the police case. Keep quiet.
#4. If there isn’t enough evidence to charge you, refusing to answer the police questioning cannot offer such evidence. It is the law that a court cannot infer anything from your silence.
#5. You have the right to legal representation. You will be read your legal rights by the police officer who is interviewing you, and cautioned, and advised that you have the right to speak with a family member and/or a lawyer (Vanessa Ash), and must be given reasonable opportunities to do so by the police.
#6. Call your lawyer as soon as possible. Vanessa Ash can be contacted after-hours. Don’t wait.
#7. Your interview will be recorded and held against you if possible. Don’t make any admissions, near admissions, or give any opportunity for an officer to take what you are saying as an admission.
#8. Never do re-enactments or identification parades under any circumstances.
#9. You must give your fingerprints.
#10. You do not have to have your photograph taken.
#11. Do not be intimidated by the things the police say to you, including that if you do not answer their questions that you will not get bail. Their job is to get you to talk.
#12. Don’t trust anyone except your lawyer – anyone can make a statement to the police about any conversation you have with them, so keep the details to yourself or be very cautious. Speak lawyer Vanessa Ash about what you should say and to whom.
Write your own story. Call Vanessa Ash and Associates today.