If you have been exposed to asbestos, and as a result have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, asbestosis, pleural plaques or lung cancer, a compensation claim may be available to you. Compensation claims are executed via the court system as it is proved that exposure to asbestos was someone else’s fault.

Your specific case will need to be attended to by us on an individual basis, so call us for a chat to see if we can help you.

Asbestos compensation claims – information
     Asbestos claims and pensions
Any lump sum payment can affect pension payments, including a period where social security payments may be paused. Talk to us further – we can give you advice based on your personal circumstances.

     How to prove exposure to asbestos and subsequent medical condition
You must be able to prove somehow that your medical condition was caused by exposure to asbestos, which will involve your doctors and possibly reports from independent specialists. You will need to know when and how you were exposed, which we can help you with. This will tell us who was responsible.

     In-court or out-of-court settlements?
Sometimes a settlement can be made out of court, but we cannot guarantee this. Sometimes the court will go to trial. We will explain everything to you, including your options with offers made.

     How much does this claim cost?
We operate on a no-win no-fee basis for personal injury claims. We will assess your case to see if we have a good chance of winning it, then proceed with no cost to you. Once compensation is paid, our fee typically comes out of the compensation, so you are never out of pocket. Each case is determined on its own merits, and comes with a certain amount of work, so each case will cost a different amount.

     How long do claims take?
Asbestos claims can be resolved quite quickly, particularly in the case of terminal illness.

     Family deaths and compensation
Compensation can still be claimed if someone close to you has died as a result of asbestos – the estate may still be payable.

See if you are entitled to compensation. Contact Vanessa Ash.