The way Vanessa Ash’s team liaises with you regarding your case involves talking on the phone, physical paper letters, and emails. We will have in-person meetings where appropriate, and you will be advised during all of these times of pertinent information regarding your case.

You will be contacted regularly and in a timely manner by Vanessa Ash so you are always up-to-date with what will be happening next and what we need to do to prepare.

You want to know what’s going on at all times, and this includes how we are running your case and what the possible outcomes are. We think communication is really important, so we want you to talk to us if you need to – ask questions or give us a call to talk over any concerns. Vanessa Ash will contact you in whatever way suits you the best – for some this is email, others by phone, and others still prefer snail mail.

This is your case, and with Vanessa Ash and Associates, you will always know exactly what’s going on.