There is a lot to organise and arrange when someone dies, so knowing what steps to take can be really helpful at a very hard time.

     First things first

  1. A death certificate must be signed by a doctor confirming the death. The funeral company then takes the deceased into their care. Funeral arrangements are made by the family and the funeral home.
  2. If the deceased had life, superannuation, health or sickness insurance, or has paid for their funeral in advance, these avenues can help partially or fully pay for the funeral, and should be contacted. If you’re not sure, call the company and ask.
  3. Find the person’s will, which will name the executor. The executor is responsible for distributing the deceased’s assets according to their will. If there is no will, then intestacy formula applies.
  4. Call the relevant people and organisations and inform them. You can call 132 300 in Australia. See the official Australian government Who to notify checklist
  5. Collect the person’s records and documents.
  6. Social media companies have processes in place to deal with people who have died. Look under the ‘help’ section on the website.
  7. Claims may be made for short-term income, bereavement payments, orphan pensions, widow allowances, parental leave pay, stillborn baby payments, and others.
  8. Then finances need to be put in order, like superannuation, pensions, investments, etc.
  9. Emotional support should be sought – death is hard!

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